Thursday, March 31, 2011

Old memories

This blog brought back great memories of my cookie scarfing days... It's been toooo long since I've tasted ohhh my, so delicious cookies and for good reason... Recently, I visited a friend and she was helping her niece sell some girl scout cookies. At first, I was reluctant to purchase them but after sampling a few Samoas and Peanut Butter patties, I fell madly in love again!!! I couldn't help myself and purchased 20 boxes and now I'm left with only 4. :'( As another blogger posted earlier, it was a sin of me--forgive me father, for I have sinned again (against myself)--to give up what I love most in life: COOKIES!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ants want it! How about YOU?

LOL fruits are un-American, eat more COOKIES!

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Cookie Monster
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40 days of Lent, and the upcoming Easter Holiday

Cookies have always been a favorable treat for celebrations. For Christians, Ash Wednesday and the 40 days of Lent thereafter will be celebrated by giving up a luxury (or luxuries) and practicing self-discipline. So here’s a great idea, treat yourself everyday for the 40 days for all your hard work and commitment to self discipline! I’m sure our cookies will take your mind off the item you gave up for Lent so order away, our cookies are waiting and can be customized for Easter! 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Its Better Than Your Grandmothers

Please visit our website for the latest offers on our specialty cookies of the month

Welcome to Cookie Blast

Let's talk cookies! Our company, Cookie Blast, created this blog for all the cookie lovers out there. Our company sells online and therefore wants to hear from online users, we have all types of cookies from peanut butter, to snickerdoodle, and of course classics like chocolate chip, and oatmeal raisin. We welcome any suggestions for cookie types, whatever cookie lovers can think of Cookie Blast can create. We also have alternatives for healthy conscience consumers for example like gluten-free cookies, sugar-free cookies, and much more!!